Sunday, September 26, 2010


One of those moments where I run into someone saying something that completely boggles my brain cells. As much as I try to see the other person's side of things, there are times when I could super glue a person's lips together, just because. To give a better understanding, I'll recap the event and the conversation:
The initial statement which was on facebook stated...

men and their dedication to come they can't be that committed in a relationship??

now before i get into this "sensative" topic, I just want to say that i've heard this complaint before and in my world, i've made an adjustment and found results. I can't speak for every guy, but something that someone said, made it seem like us guys are the worst.
I made a few jokes about it being an unfair comparison and football and it not being around as long so we have to pay more attention to it....this female comes out of the woods with the the MOST outrageous comment in my opinion
I quote"hey ***** :)...i think Boys...not MEN want somethin or someone that

doesn't "talk back" to them, which is apparently football, but far from a

WOMAN...they yell at the TV throughout the entire game, and it doesn't

respond, that's y they're so dedicated! They are scared of a challenge....thats
why good ones are so hard to find! Lol"
Geeze even I can see that either her guy or past guys neglected her during their time wanting to watch sports. I will not ask the question do you all think that we want something to yell at, because im sure i'd get cursed out in about 4 different languages and 10 accents. Serious note though, does she not sound a bit bitter?....some might say oh she was just joking...yeah I hear ya!....I said I would be nice, so i won't dissect the whole conversation.
I seriously don't believe that we are afraid of commitment, long term, or as she stated "a challenge". Its a damn sport that we enjoy watching and playing. Asking about our commitment to one or the other to me can be comparing apples to oranges. I feel like I commit to something that keeps my attention and makes me happy. If I don't care for it,want to be involved with it or what its about, i absolutely will not commit....You know, so maybe I'm wrong about apples to oranges....its relevant. Take notes though...if you are not keeping a persons attention male or female, the chances of them committing to you fully will decrease over time

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Escape Part 1

After being in Tuscaloosa since April and only getting a chance to go home once, I finally decide to take another trip back. Kinda like a mini vacation...I'd say 1 of 3 before the year is out. This time back home/ away from Tuscaloosa is much needed. I deal with those people day to day and the outsiders as well....They run me nuts, but im cool.
Been home for about 24hours and I'll be heading back tomorrow for work. Thats right, as much as they get on my nerves, im going back to them...
Got a few new things going on
Lauren....she's such a cutie, can't wait til she starts walking and talking. Its gonna be project bad habits...nah j/k
Work in a new town is pretty interesting to say the least. I do find myself having more idle time than i care for, but I think it may be well needed. Love the job, deal with the people, spend the checks....week by week
Social Life: Single....yeah i'll just leave it at that
Friends: one of my homies is getting married in a little over a month. Im happy for him, but he doesn't know yet that im using him as a guinea pig for my potential taking notes
Hobbies: 504 Talkin' Live WILL be was gone but clearly not forgotten with the unlimited amount of request for the return of it. I must say, we have had some good listeners/fans. Can't ask for much more than that. D and I will be getting back on with the coolest topics and music for your ears...DON'T SLEEP ON US

All in all during part 1 of my vacation. I over heard an interesting conversation of someone's date, got annoyed in the movie theater while i was trying to watch, had THE BEST burger in town, drinks with friends and a nap with my niece....Im content. Figured I'd get in here tonight and brush up on some old blogs...might tell a story or two to keep it interesting.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I RISE!!!!!!

For my long time readers, you know that this is typical of me to go hard on a few blogs and then fall off for a while. I tend to get busy and forget about my passion of telling the truth on these blogs. This time I swear, I am going to do all I can to keep it moving and to keep it often. You'd think I lose inspiration, but it never seems to leave my side. Its been over 5 months since my last one which is crucial. With work, living in a new city/town, the 504 Talkin' Live show and the new addition to the family I've slipped hard.....I will NOT abandon my place as a blogger anymore. I'm sure i have a few topics that need to be discussed, but I also have some editing to go back and do....I realize that I am a grammatical whore at times and sometimes I'm just a lazy ass....So be patient with me up front on the blogs, but it'll take me about a week to make these corrections and come back to the present....until the next blog folks......

Friday, March 12, 2010

Downward Spiral

"This is my sorry ass apology
I took your love for granted
So selfish just doing me
Now I feel like oh oh
Now you feel like oh oh oh
This is my sorry ass apology"

I have a huge problem with some of today's poor excuse for R&B and even some more of the past 10yrs. Its like the "MEN" of R&B have curled up in a corner, put their tail between their legs and rocked themselves to sleep. I really don't get this "Sorry Ass Apology" song. I mean it seems clear in the message, in what its trying to say, but seriously!!! The dj stated yesterday "Ladies, if your man is trying to get back with you and he has done wrong, this might help....."

Dear DJ:
What the fuck are you trying to say?...You saying this stupid ass song should be in rotation, a top 10 joint, a favorite of the ladies...the new mans theme song *for those who have done wrong*. I swear if this song gets played again on the radio, I'm going back to gangsta rap (I'm lying).

Some of the songs I have have gotten the least amount pf play are:
UNCLE SAM I mean yeah, she cheated on you w/ your homie, but get your ass up out your pajamas and do something...lets face it, she's a cheating "you know what"...and as for your homie, thats your call. Good thing my friends and I don't really have the same taste in women. YOU GOT PLAYED, HOMES! up and on to the next one.

USHER Sir, you get dropped onto this list as well. You got Puffy calling you, begging you to come out because you heart is hurt. You better buy a bottle of Patron and drink your self to sleep or hit the scene...But wait, you did hit the club and dance w/ every girl there....GO USHER *side eye*

MARIO WINANS Sucker of all suckers....This song officially pissed me off. The beat was hot and thats about it. You were hurt because she cheated, I understand that. You thought you were in love and I can dig that.....BUT dude, you are in the tub w/ the water up to your neck like life is officially over. Then you tell me "I don't wanna know"...Booooy STOP. I DO WANT TO KNOW, so i can deal with her ass and his. Mario you telling me you if your girl is sleeping around on you, that you don't want to know anything because your heart is as fragile as a piece of glass?....Maybe THAT'S why you only had like 2 hits.....I think the ladies stop loving you after this track

EAMON I don't know what to say about this track...I do know that I laugh each time I play it or hear it. I mean he was the most intense of the bunch who have come out w/ the soppy goodbye love songs. I mean he stated clearly in the song what he meant, but he definitely sat at the table expressing the rest of his feelings. My problem with this track is that he acted like all the gifts,kisses and other stuff is all null and void....I mean dude, you can TRY to take the meaning away from them, but whats done is done.

Now back to the initial track by RydazNrtisT :Ya'll have officially jacked it up. You can definitely believe that there will be a female who will forgive your duck ass for the stupid stuff you did like not telling those girls to stop calling your house, because you have a girl, the lies, and oh yeah...whatever dirt you've done....SMH. As for the "good guys" out there, I don't know bruh, you might have to wait around for her, cuz she just gave this clown another chance....but wait, I have a track you can play for her when its all said and done >>>>>>> WALE- DIARY

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Solo Dolo

Show Number 2, I was on a Solo Mission with my boy "D". He held it down with me in the absence of my co-host. First, let me apologize for the music, it is super fuzzy and shouldn't sound like this, but the player that I was using before sounded even worse. Can't wait til the next show. The music will be just as good if not better and the topics will be the same....So stay tuned....Leave your comments....Thanks for listening!

Monday, March 08, 2010

News Flash ***Don't Judge Me I'm Late***

So my newest hobby is SO officially here. As of last Thursday, I started a show called "Something Intimate" where we'll be talking about more than enough topics. This is something I've thought about doing before and although its not super professional in a studio and all, I feel good about it. The first show was definitely not by the book, but we pretty much held it down by staying within our window and sticking to the topics.

My co-host is a Cali native and currently resides out there. She and I actually collaborated on this idea about 4 months ago, after listening to this other show via . Of course I am holding in down in New Orleans and we have found our way around a few obstacles that prolonged our start. This South Coast to West Coast deal is pretty fun, minus the timezone

Tomorrow's topic will be fun...hoping my blogspot readers can come check me out. I know those night owls will be up with me chatting it up. We take calls via Skype, Yahoo and even have chat on Ustream. You probably missed the last show, so click here on SOMETHING INTIMATE and listen to us from last week...let me know what you think. Also we have a facebook fan page with the same name, so add us!

Friday, February 26, 2010

This is Where Idle Time Gets Me

Pet peeves, we all have them, but I think mine can be extra special sometimes. Only because I've let so much go in the past and tried to ignore the small things....I don't think I've progressed much, tell me what you think, please?

Not in the correct ranking order, but not far off

#1 Sliding feet across a surface: Let me get straight to the point.....Pick your damn feet up. What is so hard about left foot, right foot. I can blame this across the board. I've seen big people do it, and I've seen small people do it too...its not that hard people...Lift and step...Lift and step again

#2 Muffin tops: Geeze, I've probably expressed this before, but clearly it's something that continues to bother me. Sweetheart, if you're a 12, leave the 10's and 8's to those who can wear them. Muffin tops should be treated like wearing pants below the waist.

#3 My personal mutha f'n space: That should just explain enough. Because it doesn't, I will explain a little more in dept. If I'm sitting alone w/ my thing spread over the table...that is not an invitation for a stranger to come and hang out...and please don't talk, because I WILL put my headphones on. Also standing in line...Why do people want to stand so damn close to you at times. I don't want to smell what kind of gum you might be chewing or what you had for lunch. I mean you HAVE to know you are in my space.

#4 Pseudo Ladies: This is pretty simple to me.... A female who stresses how much she should be respected for whatever reasons, but you wearing the uniform of a "hoe" all the time. Lets be real, if you taking pictures of yourself in your bathroom, in your drawls/half naked for example, you can't expect the average individual to treat you like a lady....instead of holding that camera up in the mirror, just stare in it for a minute and reflect. Ask "What might I be doing to my potential image?"...Sleep on that!

#5 People who volunteer lies: This could probably be something I could go in really deep about, but I won't...I'll stick to the surface of it. I have something that an ex told me when I was younger..."There are some things that should just be taken to the grave". So if I didn't ask you, and you think it might piss me off.....KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!. I experienced someone a few years back who volunteered a lie and it ticked me off when i found out, and yes I called her out on it...then she was speechless. Now I thought why in the hell did she tell me period...or why didn't she just tell me the truth. Not even close, she fabricated this grand story and it all turned on her without me ever asking about this situation....WHO THE F' KNOWS WHY???....I'm still trying to figure that one out.

**Sigh**, Week ending 2/26/2010

Decided to venture down the road today to a newly suggested spot that is very familiar to the eye, but I've never visited. I think I like it. Came in, order my drink and a small snack popped in my Badu, and start enjoying the scenery. Having my sister here would be the only thing to complete the experience.
I'm trying to finish the week off by getting rid of this 3 day headache (easier said than done). Maybe my music will level out my thoughts and stress. Seems to be the one thing that brings be back down from the random places that I tend to venture off to....Good news about today is that I think I opened a 17yr old's eyes to leaving this city for school. I think he genuinely would like to experience what it is like outside the this place ((success)). Granted the rest of the class was sleep, but they are jerks anyway. So, one down...15 more to wake up!
Long weekend ahead of workouts, meetings and projects...I need a damn secretary who works for free or one who gets paid of hugs....#dontjudgeme<<<<(twitter talk)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thought I Could Hold It Off....

She said "Welcome to 30"
Me, "What?!, but I'll only be 27"
She stated again, "WELCOME to 30"

A snippet from a conversation I had with my sibling not long ago. Listening to me talk about who has been, is, and will possibly be entering my life, she has come to the conclusion that my 20s are over. Of course I battled that idea, but her ten years of experience shut that down within 5mins of the conversation.
Not that I don't look forward to it **I secretly don't** but, I just hadn't evaluated how I think about certain things they way she did.
Told me, will stop hanging out in clubs....I'm about a year or two into that quest.
Said I will look at the "club female" differently....Yeah, like she's a distraction from me getting to my drink.
Elaborated on the idea that chasing would be almost non existent....LMAO, I stopped traveling across town once...clearly these omens are true.

"Aww, my little brother is changing" she said....***me thinking** "Oh great, is this for the better or worst????

Ah well, 20s it was fun knowing ya. I had great times and you treated my liver well. You taught me things that no one ever could. We should definitely write each other sometime or maybe even hang out once or twice a year....Just a thought. I'll miss yo bud **tear**

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Riddle me this!

So this is the short version of tonight's thoughts/conversation. During the course of a conversation I made a joke about finding a "boo" on or Well what was said to me was, " How about meeting someone the old-fashion way"
I stated, "Old-fashion like what? store, bookstore, mall, coffee shop, museum?"
She said "that might work"
I said, "Yes that's ideal, but its not likely"
She said " we've gotten so lazy with this technology"

Well although I was joking about the online dating thing. It made me wonder about some things. I am a male who goes places alone at times and I'm very observant in my surroundings. I followed up by asking "how am I suppose to do it old fashion when old-fashion doesn't really exist anymore?"
Lets take my personal experience for example:
Grocery: Rarely do I see a young black woman shopping....not that they don't but its a rare occasion.
Mall: Seriously...who wants a dude trying to get at them when they are trying to shop.
Bookstore: Been back in N.O. for a year and can count on both hands how many times I've seen a black woman in the bookstore.
Coffee shop: Same as the bookstore
Museum: Might be a place i luck up on but what are the chances?...and why is this my only real option?

Personally I'm not into meeting someone at the club and expecting to be serious or taken serious. I mean how often can you get something out of that specific kind of introduction.
Now my question is....Where do you all hang out?....The good, level headed women of the world who claim they are looking for a good man...Where would the average good guy find you? I'd like to know so I can pass the word on the the rest of the males who are just as lost as I am on this topic. Now for those who are sensitive to text, I am writing this because I hear more women vent about this so I pose the question to you all.
Note, this does not apply to women who make themselves "visually available"...I'm just trying to answer the question above...Where?